Friday, September 26, 2014

Syrian rebel groups unite to fight IS

ISIS fighters
More than 20 members of the opposition parties, including the Christian rebel commander, the Isis and unite in the fight against the forces of President Bashar al-Assad to stop what it called a historic agreement has been signed.

Contracts for the House Foreign Affairs Committee and facilitated by staff from the Washington-based Syrian Emergency Task Force arrived in Turkey on Thursday for a meeting. Two U.S. Congress members and ISIS Congress hand combat training moderate dissidents signed off just days after President Barack Obama's call in the final negotiations, sat on.

Under the agreement, the Supreme Military Council of the Syrian moderate Muslim rebel group fighting under the Christian Syriac agreed to form a coalition with the military council. Obama announced the new policy was the first meeting between the Syrian rebels and members of Congress.

First published

Microsoft Google expose Brazil's favelas


For decades, favelas, is now home to nearly a quarter of the population of working-class neighborhoods that often, do not exist on the city maps.

Officials informal settlements considered dangerous eyesores, and they refused to provide official address to send cartographers. But frustrated residents, provide public services in the community began their mapping authorities hoping to pressure.

Now those efforts are getting a boost from two of the world's largest technology company. Google Inc GOOGL -2.20% and Microsoft Corporation MSFT, -2.21% of the Rio favelas, mapping efforts have begun in recent months. Depends largely on community groups, companies, hole in the wall to laundromats, plans to map everything from twisting narrow alleyways.

"A map [, favelas] to establish an online presence and giving them the ability to open them up and getting them together in the city is really important," estebana Walther, Google's director of marketing for Latin America.

It will be beneficial. Some local groups and local businesses in hopes of turning a profit company, tapping their databases, the complaints piggybacking their efforts.

What is clear, once mainly known for crime and violence in Brazil's favelas, have come to represent economic opportunities.

Over the past decade, social welfare programs, and a product of the boom has lifted tens of millions of Brazilians out of poverty. Favela residents, more than 85% of the nation's nearly 1.5 million, according to Google, there are now mobile phone, and more than half go online regularly.

peoples seaching what?

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Tag: searchengine,Search Engine

Hip to be Square passport to BlackBerry

BlackBerry Passport

About a square slice of pizza being served is something a bit different. The same can be said about the BlackBerry smartphone's new class.

BlackBerry CEO John Chen said today at an event in Toronto, where the class explaining the device's phone company unveiled a new passport - and spend a few jokes cracked Apple.

"I see you are, which will challenge you to bend a passport," he inadvertently some users report that the iPhone 6 plus devices mentioned bent.

Italian Crime Syndicate Choice for alleged BlackBerry smartphone

: The head of Apple's iPhone, Samsung's product compare to Watch

Chain from the pocket of his suit jacket to the audience on a Canadian passport teased. BlackBerry CEO pulled the passport.

He will not be daunted by the size of the BlackBerry, so he was side by side comparison of the two items is important.

"We call for a passport based on the format, you hold your hands when you have a sense of familiarity," Chen said.

Jeff Gadway, BlackBerry products and brand marketing at the head of the wide, 4.5-inch square screen, the target audience of business people, from the convenience of BlackBerry 6 and BlackBerry passport why the iPhone has a side-by-side comparison.

"Today, professionals are working to narrow the smartphone," he said. "Passport extensive work is all about."

Phone, it is easy to read, write and edit documents on the go, allowing you to display up to 60 characters per line on the touchscreen can, Gadway said.

Passport is a touch enabled keyboard, an enhanced audio experience, a new Siri personal assistant and the like comes up to 30 hours of battery life between charges.

Apple earlier this month to launch its high-powered performance and a brilliant chief executive officer Tim Cook was U2, BlackBerry, a Canadian company, the brand devoted to the game of hockey legend Wayne Gretzky, why bring out a brief.

"Go where the puck is going to be where it was," Gretzky said he thought his father would tell him. "Must have figured that. They do an excellent job."

For $ 599 without a contract BlackBerry passport is available from the company website. It is, however, it was not immediately known what the deal is with the cost, will be available at AT & T as well.

BlackBerry device released this year is the third phone. The company before the end of the year, the BlackBerry classic, the fourth will be released, said Chen.

BlackBerry completed a restructuring process and are trying to keep alive the brand comes after the release of a pivotal time.

"If you do not support us, then you've got some problems," Chen said in front of the crowd in Canada. "We're determined to win in our country!"

iPhone 6 plus without a case why are carrying?

iPhone 6plus
The iPhone is an expensive, sophisticated computing devices. If you prefer, or a case for your iPhone protective gear swaddled Tell us why you want to leave the beauty of

IPhone to a new iPhone without a case. If you are of a certain kind of person, you will love these pictures. If you're the kind of person, you're nervous at the sight of a naked iPhone. Photo: Robyn Beck / AFP / Getty Images

Concern is to find the owner of an iPhone.

Much of the device, despite the prohibitive cost, is one of the most sought-after in the world of consumer products.

Many other parts of the iPhone as much as the cost of the monthly rent. New iPhone 6, top of the line, sells for $ 849. The new iPhone 6 Plus - phablet version - is $ 949.

This is less expensive Android phones in the world today, with 300m smartphones influential, which is why most of the world, even the middle-class consumers, is unimaginable amount.

It wags on Twitter #bendghazi tight pockets as it has been dubbed the new 6 plus loses shape, from a rainstorm, a dip in the toilet destruction succumbs, or expensive, just a matter of time before the high-functioning devices.

A decent case: there is a simple solution.

Our colleague Charles Arthur iPhone case manufacturers that it will help keep its shape for a more firm "bumper", adding that the report is to strengthen the muscles in the case for the new Apple phablet.

It is a sensible solution, but we fear it may be neglected.

Brotherhood of the cracked screen powers - - except in the case of carrying the iPhone is played on those principles. They feel the weight of the iPhone's line of view, and (even if it means the ultimate destruction) want to enjoy her designs.

Manufacture the bumpers you like, but some people like their iPhones can not completely naked. It's not about reality, they say, it's about taste.

About the necessity of the case, we unintentionally fine handheld computer with a naked iPhone is definitely judgmental tweet was this cult. Farhad Manjoo, a tech columnist for the New York Times, on the design advocates stood up for immediate function.