Friday, September 26, 2014

Big Brother made ​​the biggest mistake of the night was the finale?

His fellow hitman, Main Levasseur: Cody Calafiore, a former football player from New Jersey / Sales Associate 23 years old, providing the ability to choose whom he sat next to the final 2, the final Head of Household competition, won, or Victoria Rafaeli. Instead of making a big splash, Calafiore Levasseur choose to take, the Hitmen were loyal to the Coalition - who would go on to win $ 500,000 on a 7-2 vote - Calafiore said the decision was a move he was more comfortable to live with.

Following Wednesday's finale, Calafiore, $ 50,000 winner, the Hollywood Reporter said that he will leave to take the final 2 Main, with its controversial Christine "flirtmance" and Team America and being blindsided by the chief of the secret.

Day 2 is formed Hitmen, plan to finish it at the time that both you and the main think is to make it to the final 2?

We linked up to the Day 2, it's that being a fan of the show and watching it and we were standing in a few weeks because it was a combination of some of the links up to be part of something like this seemed so cool. Wow, we got to the middle of the season, we made ​​it quite far together, and no one ever suspected us of being, like, we were. That we did not win the competition, it got to the point where we might end up going home. A lot of things fell our way, and the next thing you and I together, we were sitting in the main final with the final 3 HOH competitor, knew. Wow, I was 96 days ago, that we would make it to the Final 2, when combined together, can not believe that it was good.

After winning the final HOH competition that you will be sitting next to it was the ability to take decisions. Who seemed to be easy to win over Victoria Principal on why pick?

I owed ​​it to me and who I really play a whole season so all of my trust did not cross my mind that people backstab. I have relationships with a game and a lot of people who I trusted my decision to cross somebody who built that will destroy the character felt like trying to build yourself. Unfortunately, we did not get to talk much, but he was my best friend and people are literally getting on my nerves, so if anyone can make a decision like that would bother me if I go to him or anything I might be able to deal with the outdoors said.

It's so that you can fully trust him what was about to Main?

Early on in the game, the whole team started to bomb, it literally means "because we had questions about how you played with the girls." Told me was right and that was the second day of the Big Brother house. And I say "everyone was interacting with a bunch of brand-new people when I would be on the second day?", For me to start thinking about why the bomb squad, was that. Main: "We're going to ride out, but you're going to be my ride or die guy., We're going to stick to the end.", Came to me and was like, that was huge. The game was kind of a person he is - he could have made him a little bit of questions that might have ended up doing something, but he never did. More game, making it even more confidence. When suspicious stuff was going down, I'm going to question my right hand man. Having confidence in someone, I think it's hard to get the Big Brother house, and you have it when it's not something you go.

Toying with the major cut in the final 3 you may not have the votes to win the final 2 Main realized that there was a moment on the feed?

I even told the chief of these, but honestly the day, at the end of the season, a lot of them away, because I was coming at me with a bitter jury, thought that much about it, thinking, "I think sometimes people think that I have confidence in every houseguest and I'm not going to get dragged out of the dirt, because it will be hard for me. "the way, and everyone is cross, I knew it was going to be extremely difficult, but I have to take a cop out and I made ​​it with the a guy who is going to take. I'm really happy with my decision.

You could be won over Victoria?

A lot of people had that conversation with a bunch of guys do not get. Victoria is not the end, he pulled something malevolent and maybe it would have gotten votes. It absolutely is Big Brother. It happened that way, and I was home the entire time that I worked with was devastating to the people that lost to him. Main is a huge player in the game who, lost, something that I can live with.

Main he kept secret from you that there was a couple.

Yes, just a few.

America is engaged in publishing and the main finding was the team what your initial reaction?

He had won a lot of money, knowing that it was difficult for the team in America. After the jury to questions asked of them, I had a huge book that they felt like we had it when I masterminding [Main] felt what felt like a lot was on the fell. Finding out all that stuff, I Dang, like, this kid was going to win a lot of money. I'm not going to sway the vote and I shit my way, not only I do not have $ 50K to him to bring him to the Final 2, thought, he smoked it with all the money that's about $ 500K on top. It was just brutal. It's a lot to take at once.

He was an undercover cop by the Main reveal that surprised?

Undercover cop thing, I think that's epic. I'm always the man, I'm not going to give in to paranoia, because it is false, 100 percent of the people who were going to be fooled. Everyone's doing it. Frankie is doing it because he is paranoid about yourself. When in reality he was hiding a huge secret Frankie [published Ariana Grande] came up with the principal seemed pissed. That's all part of the game, and I am you and you are you and no one is entirely up to the final day of the rest of you know who I think the best part of the game.

Hitmen on your approach, you will change the team was known about America and the cop thing?

Oh my god. Team America knew anything about anybody, it would change everything in the game. That would be unfair to those who had the privilege of being chosen for the job. Know what happened, I still have him in the game and I still do not get lost, knowing that, it felt right to take him home and Victoria is sending.

Earlier this week I spoke with Julie Chen, she was a powerful coalition Hitmen season. Why did it work so well?

Our social games was different, because the duo was so big. He was a father, and I am very outgoing guy who was nice to sit back and have the confidence of everyone who lived there. Feeding me information, and I floated all the information leading to this when he was a very good player, a lot, because it will be very easy for him to decide. I had an incredible duo.

What other arguments to sway the jury in your favor you may be used in your final speech? You make a strong point about the competition can be won?

Just that - I'm right on it breezed. I too I'm so close to the base, which was a doll, was thrown off by, as was seen, because I was thinking I do not do it, in fact, well, never a question, so I felt like I have to bring it to reality in the last two vetoes and who won the last HOH competition and protect me with the more strategic moves. It will affect that. But I decided [that] was created before. I won my competition does not affect any vote is cast out.

Who Voted most surprised you?

Caleb and Christine even toss up for me. Christine, just because we were and we were very close, and I told him about it a couple of times, I know, because I played the game honored. Caleb was not doing a lot of the main competition was mentioned a lot about how he felt and I would grab Caleb votes [so I thought], especially in the last couple of Comps winning, how much work was done, he felt. His stay was not too confusing. He liked to have known what his decision will be based.

You can debate with Christine "flirtmance" this season is a bit overdone. That any regrets?

I got him off the regret will be. We could not speak, it is playing an intense game where the main and I too was unfortunate that [each other] day, every second, even I do not want to mention the name of our people together, because the. It was great that we are split apart. Christine I always consistently good, there was someone who was close with. Maybe by playing with the touch of hair, it was probably a little of my last. Maybe I pulled it back and have more respect for her husband, but it's the game you're playing with every single girl at home can be tough to change. I kind of hold myself. I had one of my best friends, because it weighs down on him because I thought about that, and I wish she was not even a very good friend to us, I know our relationship has to deal with something like that because I hate that. About her family, her husband, my [something] said all the time, all the time, and I will talk to him about my family. I came off the show. It was seen as very unfortunate. It was just too close to her and I'm home. They have a relationship outside of the house was quite upset that I'll be impressed.

Your father is a huge fan of Big Brother. He tells you about acting?

I do not like how I played. He told me how proud he is. My game is good [the game] was saying was that a lot of people who respected my parents. Final 2 It is true, I just, I just like making the end, he played the game, I do not seem to care about - it is a huge achievement. He was very proud.

You are called back if you come back to the game?

Oh my god. I absolutely would not hesitate to come back. My strategy? I would like to reconsider. I came into the house and very works that acted as himself fell into this social game. I do not know if I'd change anything. I've come back and [Principal's] there definitely will not be tough.

The most memorable moment in the house?

I can say it over and over: Zach. Many small comment [he'd]. We want to be near the pool table, and someone did not like him to come out and then they'd pop inside her small one liners will have us rolling on the floor. This kid was so fun outside. Having him around, it's difficult to pinpoint one thing, the best part of summer.

Are you next?

I do not know at the moment. Going back to the house, just seeing where the fall - so at the moment everything is scrambled. See what comes out of this. I have no idea, but I'm excited to find out.

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