Friday, September 26, 2014

Microsoft Google expose Brazil's favelas


For decades, favelas, is now home to nearly a quarter of the population of working-class neighborhoods that often, do not exist on the city maps.

Officials informal settlements considered dangerous eyesores, and they refused to provide official address to send cartographers. But frustrated residents, provide public services in the community began their mapping authorities hoping to pressure.

Now those efforts are getting a boost from two of the world's largest technology company. Google Inc GOOGL -2.20% and Microsoft Corporation MSFT, -2.21% of the Rio favelas, mapping efforts have begun in recent months. Depends largely on community groups, companies, hole in the wall to laundromats, plans to map everything from twisting narrow alleyways.

"A map [, favelas] to establish an online presence and giving them the ability to open them up and getting them together in the city is really important," estebana Walther, Google's director of marketing for Latin America.

It will be beneficial. Some local groups and local businesses in hopes of turning a profit company, tapping their databases, the complaints piggybacking their efforts.

What is clear, once mainly known for crime and violence in Brazil's favelas, have come to represent economic opportunities.

Over the past decade, social welfare programs, and a product of the boom has lifted tens of millions of Brazilians out of poverty. Favela residents, more than 85% of the nation's nearly 1.5 million, according to Google, there are now mobile phone, and more than half go online regularly.

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