Friday, September 26, 2014

Defends against bending Apple iPhone 6 plus complaints

iphone 6 plus

Following days of silence, Apple's new iPhone 6 Plus it bends easily defend against the allegations. The company only nine customers complained about a bent contact Apple iPhone 6 plus media said that. Both the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 is essential to stress tests that mimicked normal use plus side, Apple said.

Social Media Video and some iPhone 6 plus owners or even their hands in their pockets, they claim the device can bend. Now "Bendgate" or online "Bendgazi",, Apple this week is known as the only one dealing with the headache. Cellular service to customers and the new software is causing problems with Touch ID that is compatible with the company on Wednesday after allegedly pulled an update to iOS 8. Apple apologized for the faulty update and users can revert back to the original iOS 8 software is issued.

The day was a mixture of bad news about other tech companies in the market, though well below the $ 100 per share dive, which fell on Thursday, trading more than 3% of Apple's stock, has a beating.

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